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Kids and Technology

Page history last edited by Kristin Rama 11 years, 10 months ago

How True are our Assumptions about Screen Time?

Lisa Guernsey, parent, journalist, and researcher, examines the impact of electronic media on children, overturning some common assumptions that research does not necessarily report.


The Progress of Education Reform (Dec. 2012)

Looks at technology and how it has an essential role to play as a connector and content disseminator, ultimately in service of the families who are setting the foundation for their children’s success in school and life.


Technology and Young Children

A joint position statement issued by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children's Media at Saint Vincent College.


The New Coviewing: Designing for Learning through Joint Media Engagement

Produced by the Joan Ganz Cooney and LIFE Centers, the report features case studies written by researchers and producers on the challenges and successes of bringing families together around newer forms of media.


Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America


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