
Kit Reservations

Page history last edited by Taylor Lee 6 years, 9 months ago

AWE Early Literacy Tablet 1 (North and West Region)

 Email Jeanne Bondi (bondij) to reserve. She will enter your name and information on the schedule below.




Button Maker

ACLA has 2 1/3" round button maker set including the metal pin shells and plastic laminate discs. All you need are 2" images/papers. Please email Taylor Lee (leet2) to borrow this set and she will update the table below.


 Vince D'Alesio

July 2-9

 Dani Danylo
 May 21 -June 4
 Raeann MacNeil
 July 23-August 1


One Book, Every Young Child

Previous One Book, Every Young Child kits are cataloged in Millennium and can be requested with any library card. Current kits are available on the OBEYC page for reservation from March - May.


Location / Contact for Questions ONLY - MUST REQUEST VIA SIERRA
Up, Down, and Around (2008)
Springdale / Janet Tyree Up, Down, and Around
If You Were a Penguin #1 (2009)
Wilkinsburg / Taylor Lee If You Were a Penguin #1
If You Were a Penguin #2 (2009)
Robinson / Gabi Bolland If You Were a Penguin #2
What a Treasure # 2 (2010)
Western Allegheny / Rachel Moore 
What a Treasure #2
Whose Shoes (2011)
Coraopolis /  Susan McClellan
Whose Shoes
Stop Snoring, Bernard (2012)
Braddock / Mandee Williams Stop Snoring, Bernard
Bus for Us (2013)
Plum / Tammy Andrew Bus for Us
Stripes of All Types (2014) AC Free / JoLynne Dougherty Email JoLynne Dougherty (doughertyj) to request.
Kite Day (2016) South Park / Tami Pauline  
Daniel Finds A Poem (2017) Sewickley / Jen Farmerie  



$ Piggy Bank Tales $

A kit for a four week unit on earning, saving, spending, sharing for ages 12 months to 5 years. Libraries may request kits for 5 weeks - 1 week of preparation, and 4 weeks of implementation. An extra week will be built into the calendar for the next participant to receive the item via delivery. Please email Rachel Moore (moorer) and she will update the table below.


IMLS Blog Post about Piggy Bank Tales


Planning Items:


Please have the bin ready for delivery by the end of you last day of reservation. Check this schedule for the next library and email Kelley when you have sent it.



Programming Kits


4 Programming Kits are available for libraries to borrow.  Much like the One Book Every Young Child Trunks, these kits are ready-to-go-programs that will make your programming a bit easier!


Kit Descriptions:

  1. Lego Fun!  Get together and Build! Build! Build! This kit includes standard Lego pieces as well as Lego coloring pages.
  2. Princesses From Around the World!  What is it like to be a real-life princess? The contents of this kit will allow children to examine the lives of princesses from around the world.  Through the use stories, rules of etiquette, music, and a variety of props, children will experience what it takes to lead a royal life.
  3. Bounce Around the World!  Bounce your way around the world and discover how balls and spheres are used in different countries. This kit includes the equipment for exploring games and traditions from around the globe. 
  4. Fairy Tales Meet Science!  Fairy tales allow our imaginations to soar.  If we listen carefully we can discover more about our world. The contents of this kit provide stories from around the world and the necessary scientific tools for young patrons to examine the details with the eyes and ears of a scientist. 


How to Get a Kit: 

  • To reserve a kit,  email Rachel Brehm (brehmr(at)einetwork(dot)net as the kits now live at Braddock Library, and she will enter your name and information with your information on the schedule.   
  • Kits are to be returned to Braddock (not ACLA.) 
  • If there is someone waiting for a kit, please make sure it is in the mail by Thursday so that the next library can receive it by Monday. Please plan your programs and reservation dates accordingly. Rachel Brehm will direct you where to send it if you are unsure.


Lego Fun!


Note on the Lego Kit:

This kit circulates with three full bags of standard Legos.  Please do not mix these with patron Legos.  Make sure that when you are finished, you still have three full bags of standard Legos before you return this kit.


Name  Library  Dates Reserved -Please include year!





Princesses Around the World!

Name  Library  Dates Reserved - Please include year!
Susan McClellan   Coraopolis
 January 1-31, 2017
Andrea McNeill  CLP-Homewood  April 16-April 23, 2017 



Bounce Around the World!

Name  Library  Dates Reserved - Please include year!



Fairy Tales Meet Science!

Name  Library  Dates Reserved  - Please include year!


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