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last edited
by leh52@pitt.edu 13 years, 7 months ago
- Issuu - You Publish: “Issuu is the leading digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, catalogs, and newspapers. Millions of people have uploaded their best publications to create beautiful digital editions.”
- TechSoup - Step-by-Step to Conducting Webinar: This webinar is ideal for nonprofit and library staff who have decided that they would like to conduct webinars or web conference calls, but aren’t sure how to get started. We will walk you through the process from start to finish, spending time talking about ReadyTalk – the web conferencing tool we use to promote, register, conduct, record, and track each webinar.
- 20+ Video Tutorials for Open Source Applications: Here are more than 20 video tutorials to get you going with four of the most popular open source programs out there: Gimp, Linux, Open Office, and Nvu.
- Futures of Learning: Futures of Learning is a collective blog dedicated to the topic of new media and learning. The members of the blog are part of a project, funded by the MacArthur Foundation. The blog focuses on developing an international review of research on how people are adopting digital and networked media, and reviewing learning institutions that are incorporating new media in innovative ways.
- Institute of Play: We bring together game design, rigorous research practices and strong interdisciplinary partnerships to create, study and promote game-based materials, strategies and systems as critical tools for personal and social development.
- Intel’s Computer Discovery Zone: “Pull up a chair, sit back and spend some time getting computer smart. Here's where you'll find the tips, tricks, and information you need to get the most out of your computer. We've got you covered from A to Z.”
- Library Day in the Life Project: The Library Day in the Life Project is a semi-annual event coordinated byBobbi Newman ofLibrarian by Day. Twice a year librarians, library staff and library students from all over the globe share a day (or week) in their life through blog posts, photos, video and Twitter updates.
- Cover it Live: “We believe CoveritLive allows for a new type of online reporting; it’s a great tool for providing your expert and in-depth commentary during an event, with the ability to interact in real-time with your readers through live polls, instant questions and multimedia.”
- Widgetbox: Widgets are useful applications that can be embedded on a webpage, blog, social media page, or any other site that allows for JavaScript or Flash. You can use dynamic widgets to add engagement to your site, aggregate your content, increase brand awareness, and grow your audience.
- Evernote: Remember Everything.
- Webjunction: WebJunction is a learning community working together to ensure that all library staff have the resources they need to power relevant, vibrant libraries.
- Elf: Track your library books - Let Elf help you manage your library loans and holds.
- LibraryFind: LibraryFind is... an open source metasearch application developed by librarians for libraries, built with Ruby on Rails.
- Online Programming for All Libraries: OPAL is an international collaborative effort by libraries and other organizations of all types to provide web-based programs and training for library users and library staff members.
- Bookswim: Books delivered to your door - like Netflix for books!
- Library Podcasting Resources: These resources provide information about podcasting in the library world.
- Engaged Patrons: Connecting libraries and users.
- Pixenate: Online photo editor.
- Tech Essence: The essence of information technology for library decision-makers.
- Information Today: “Our goal is to provide users and producers of information, knowledge and content management products and services with the information they need to do their jobs as effectively as possible.”
- Glogster: A social network for fun expression. Their slogan=poster yourself.
- Meebo Developer Platform: IM aggregator/client Meebo is allowing third-parties to develop application. See what they have come up with.
- ALA TechSource- Library Technology Report, Vol 46 No. 3: Provides articles which discuss the use of new gadgets and gizmos in the library community.
- OneVille Project: Explores how collaborative technologies can help an entire community network with and support its youth.
- Scanning Library Cards on Smartphones: A blog post from the Swiss Army Librarian aka Brian Herzog, a reference librarian in MA.
- TechSmith: Creator of Jing, a wonderful free download that allows you to capture images or videos from your own computer screen, annotate them and share them with whoever you’d like. Great tool for making online tutorials.
- Tagxedo: Make word clouds with style.
- JayCut: Free online video editor
- Streaming the Public Library: A blog post about Overdrive from the author of Pittsburgh Ventures.
- Nutshell Mail: Allows users to manage their social media brand with weekly summaries and updates being sent directly to their inbox.
- Mobile Apps, Library Services On-The-Go!: Orange County Libray Services has a recommended list of Tools & Apps for you to check out.
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