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Early STREAM Kit Notes

Page history last edited by lanec@... 6 years, 5 months ago

Technology Kits:


Bee-Bots (6), backpack and charging station

Let's Go Code Activity Kit

Dash and Dot with accessories (2)

Cubetto deluxe kits (2)

Code-A-Pillars (2)


iPads (Set of 3)

Spheros with accessories (3)

Snap-Bots (2)


Engineering Kits:


Slot-A-Shape Builders

Fantasy Gear Builders

Design Builders

Marble Run


Math Kits:


Math Early STREAM Kit 1: Slingshot Math Game and Folder Game Sets (Beginning Operations, Patterns, Numbers and Counting, Shapes and Measurement)

Math Early STREAM Kit 2: Hi Ho Cherry-O, Robot Face Race, Snail's Pace Race, Sophie's Seashell Scramble, Shake and Reveal Counting Cards, Parachute, Partner Parachutes (2), Robot Turtles Board Game


Reading -- Early Literacy Kits:   


Mailbox with letters

Reading-Early Literacy Kit: Felt Board Stories (The Very Hungry Caterpillar, It Looked Like Spilt Milk, The Snowy Day, The Napping House) and Folder Games (Word Work, Vocabulary, Phonemic Awareness, Alphabet)


Science Kits:


Magnet Kit, Shake and Reveal Science Cards, Living Things Magnetic Tins (Plants, Animals, Insects, Spiders), Early Science Folder Games (Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science), Light and Sound Touch Circuit (2)

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